Centennial History of Coshocton County, Ohio

In apportioning the pages of Coshocton County history it has been necessary to keep ever in view a vital Present as well as a vivid Past; to dwell not unduly on the Old, and to treat justly of the New; to sketch the antiquity that was Moundbuilder and the barbarity that was Indian into the civilization which is Coshocton.

There are many books affording means for scientific study of this region and its antiquity. A heap of biology, paleontology, anthropology, archaeology, geology, ethnology and other ologies could be piled higher than our mounds. Should this rough penciling take the reader to the library that will be better than bringing the library into these pages.

The county's most impressive development is in the last fifty years, particularly the last quarter century. For valuable information grateful acknowledgment is due the press and the citizens who have so fully contributed to the record. In touching upon the social, industrial, economic and political features the cardinal purpose has been to speak true, to judge tolerantly, and above all to keep in mind that wealth is no corollary of worth and success no evidence of character W.J. Bahmer.


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In Coshocton, where Fourth and Locust streets cross, the finding of skeletons was associated with early reports regarding a mound there, though later identified as an Indian burying ground. In Tiverton Township it is told there was a circle enclosing three acres, while excavation along the Walhonding Canal revealed scattered skeletons and sitting skeletons, ashes, stone axes, flint and pestles; and on a hilltop overlooking the Mohican a stone wall, breast-high, extended one hundred and thirty-two feet. In Keene Township the stone was hauled away from a hilltop stone mound, but the only record that survives is the inevitable measurement of twelve feet across and three feet high.