History of Sandusky County, Ohio with Illustrations 1882

The publishers place this volume before the public believing that they have fulfilled every promise made at the beginning of the enterprise and every reasonable expectation. That there are faults of omission they are aware, but this has arisen from inability to obtain the required information. That a volume of upwards of eight hundred quarto pages, containing ten thousand names, should be free from error, no one will expect.

A large part of the writing has been done by a citizen of the county, Homer Everett, Esq., whose personal knowledge of leading events reaches back almost to the first white settlement. This important service could have been entrusted to no better hands. The first five chapters and those relating to the Moral and Material Development of the county, and Civil History, have been prepared by a writer in the employ of the publishers. With these exceptions all of the general history is from the pen of Mr. Everett. The same gentleman also prepared the church history of Fremont and several biographical sketches. One biography and the commercial history of Fremont are the contributions of Wilbur G. Zeigler.

It is impossible to make special acknowledgments to all to whom we are indebted for assistance. The people of the county have received the writers and collectors of information with uniform courtesy, and given them every facility for the prosecution of their work.

Instead of being bound in cloth with leather backs, as were the samples shown to subscribers, the volume is bound in full leather, while the form of the book renders it much more convenient for use, and better adapted to the shelves of a library.


Table of Contents

I. — Aboriginal Occupation 9
II. — Ownership of the Northwest 19
III. — Advent of the White Man 24
IV. — Lower Sandusky before Fort Stephenson 27
V. — Early Ohio 53
VI. — Pre-historic Races 66
VII. — The Indians 72
VIII. — County Organization 94
VIII(a). — Fort Stephenson 98
IX. — Civil History 121
X. — Development, Material, Moral, Social 125
XI. — Improvements 139
XII. — The Ohio Railroad 154
XIII. — Plank Road 159
XIV. — Railroad 164
XV. — The Fremont and Indiana Railroad 172
XVI. — County Roads 177
XVII. — County Buildings and Institutions 181
XVIII. — Topography and Geology 194
XIX. — Iron Bridges and Drainage 200
XX. — Sandusky County Agricultural Society 208
XXI. — The Press 228
XXII. — Military History 241
XXIII. - Court and Bar of Sandusky County 368
XXIV. - Fremont 397
XXV. - Fremont Continued 413
XXVI. — " Business Progress 419
XXVII. — " Medical 440
XXVIII. — " Improvements 463
XXIX. — " Public Schools 473
XXX. - Religious History 485
XXXI. — Social Societies 507



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The Sandusky country, in aboriginal history, possesses a peculiar charm and fascinating interest. During that period of years which fills western annals with the story of intrigue and bloody conflict, the plains and prairies of the lower Sandusky valley were the home of the most powerful and most generous of the savage nations. The border country of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Kentucky, and the first settlements of Ohio, saw the Indian at war, and too often his character has been estimated by his conduct when inspired to cruelty by a natural desire for revenge. Here we see him at home, far removed from his enemy, and perceive the softer side of his untamed nature. The field brings us to a nation's capital, acquaints us with the manners and customs of primitive life, and by affording a more accurate knowledge of the treatment of white prisoners, softens harsh prejudices. Less than a century ago these plains, now covered by a thriving city, presented all that interesting variety of scenes of Indian life, primitive agriculture, rude cabins, canoe-building, amusements, and the council fire, around which painted warriors planned campaigns and expeditions having for their ultimate object the preservation of the vast, beautiful forest, and the beloved hunting grounds, the return and welcome of war parties and the terrifying and not always harmless treatment of prisoners.