History of western Ohio and Auglaize County

The need of a reliable history of Auglaize County and the section of the state in which it is located has been recognized for many years. In presenting this volume to the people of Auglaize County the author feels that much matter of interest, has, of necessity, been omitted. The first half of the volume is devoted to the early history of Western Ohio. In this division of the work, the Indian occupation of Ohio is related at considerable length, and is followed by an account of the peopling of Western Ohio. The author feels that no apology need be offered for the full account given of the campaigns of Harmar, St. Clair, Wayne, Hull and Harrison. It is believed that the order in which they are presented will be of value to the student and general reader.

The military campaigns are followed by an extended history of the Shawnee Indians and the great Indian Treaties of Western Ohio.

The history of the county and townships has been written and compiled from the most authentic sources. The biographical history of the townships has claimed a great deal of attention, and has been collected at much expense and labor.


Table of Contents


Chapter I. Early French and English Explorations 1
Chapter II. Indian Occupation of Ohio 8
Chapter III. The Revolt of the Colonies 17
Chapter IV. The Early Settlers 22
Chapter V. Harmar's Campaign 29
Chapter VI. St. Clair's Campaign 45
Chapter VII. Wayne's Campaign 89
Chapter VIII. Territorial Events From 1791 to 1812 138
Chapter IX. Harrison's Campaign 152
Chapter X. Indian Treaties 207
Chapter XI. The Shawnees 237
Chapter XII. Indian Biography 291


Chapter XIII. Topography and Geology 325
Chapter XIV. Organic History 410
Chapter XV. Political History 447
Chapter XVI. Courts and Bar of Auglaize County 523
Chapter XVII. Military History 530


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The history of that portion of Western Ohio, of which Auglaize County is a part, dates back to 1680, when La Salle and a few followers ascended the Maumee river and established a trading post near where Maumee City is located. The post was placed in charge of Sieur Courthemanche, after which the voyagers proceeded up the river to its source, and from thence south, to the Ohio river.