A History of Waverley Abbey, in the County of Surrey, England

This little Book contains the substance of a Lecture delivered at Puttenham, and subsequently, by request at Farnham, on Shrove Tuesday, 1872.

A few additions have been made, which probably would not have been of much interest to a general audience, but which will be valued by the Antiquarian and Topographer.

The extracts from the "Annals of Waverley" have been carefully translated from the edition published by the Record Commission, and it is believed that nothing has been omitted relative to the History of Waverley itself. The other authorities which have been consulted are —

Documents preserved at the Record Office and British Museum, Histories of Surrey, by Manning and Bray, and Brayley.

Papers and correspondence in the possession of Mr. Anderson, the present owner of the estate.
Dugdale's Monastican.

Leland's collection by Heame, William of Malmsbury, and Rymer's Foedera.

The Treatise has been published at the special request of Mr. Anderson, whose kindness in this undertaking, the Writer begs most heartily to acknowledge.


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More have heard of the Waverley Novels than have heard of Waverley and its Abbey, and many perhaps, who know Waverley, and have seen the ruins of the old Cistercian Convent there, have wondered whether there is any connection between the title of the celebrated Novels and the name of the place itself. It seems that there is a link.