Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

Believing that the Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the organization of Allegheny County would not be complete without a sketch of the territory embraced within the original lines of the county, and of that part of Western Pennsylvania from which the same was taken — virtually including the early his- tory of Western Pennsylvania, such a history of the early settlement of Allegheny County, of the midnight raids by the Indians, of the bloody battles, of the hardships and privations endured by the pioneers, and, later on, by the wonderful development and growth of the same during the past century — cannot but be interesting to every citizen of the county.

The following historical sketch is presented to the citizens of Allegheny County by the Centennial Committee with the belief that no country nor age ever presented a more interesting and thrilling story of conquest, of vSettlement and development, than does the history of the settlement of Allegheny County, and of its subsequent marvelous growth and prosperity. As written in the felicitous style of the gifted authors, it can scarcely be improved upon by the touch of the romancer.


Table of Contents


History of Allegheny County (Rev. A. A. Lambing) 7-69
History of Allegheny County (Judge J. W. F. White) 69-94
The Judiciary of Allegheny County 94
Allegheny County Industries 120
Churches of Pittsburgh and Allegheny 130


Leading Merchants and Manufacturers 1
Address of Centennial Committee 100
Rules 104
General Committee 104
Standing Sub-Committees 106
Programme, First Day 110, 112, 114
Programme, Second Day 116, 118
Programme, Third Day 120, 122
Places of Interest , 124, 126, 128, 130, 132


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The growth and development of our country, especially west of the Allegheny mountains, has been something phenomenal. Where a century ago or less nothing was to be seen but vast primeval forests or boundless prairies, inhabited by wild animals and savages only a little less ferocious, all has been changed by the rapid march of civilization. The few villages that dared to spring up at that early day have become populous cities, the solitary cabins of the hardy adventurers have given place to thriving towns and villages, the forests and prairies have been transformed into rich agricultural districts, and in every direction lines of railroad are seen threading their course to carry the fruits of industry to a ready market. Telegraph lines facilitate communication, and over all, religion spreads her peaceful mantle, education sheds her cheering light, and a popular government secures for all equal rights. The peoples of the Old World, confined to traditional grooves, contemplate with astonishment the gigantic strides of the Great Republic of the West, and speculate on what the end is to be, or whether there will be an end to this onward march of national prosperity and domestic happiness.