History of the county of Schuylkill, Pennsylvania

Schuylkill County is of such an inspiring nature that it can never lose its value by repetition, and, with this end in view, this book has been published.

Many important events have been told herein, which, we hope, will be of interest to young and old.


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Pioneer history of the State of Pennsylvania records the fact that Philadelphia was the first section of the state to form a permanent settlement. It had a substantial, prosperous growth, and as civilization pushed North into the then known wilds of the interior, an interior in which the Indian roamed at will, some of these early adventurers returned to Philadelphia with tales of vast wealth in timber and minerals, hence it was but a short time before the new territory became populated with new owners, the streams became dotted with new homes upon its shores, the hills and valleys were tilled, and it was but a few years ere it became necessary for counties to be. formed in order for law and justice to be near at hand and meted out to those who required or desired it.